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"For I am the Lord your God Who holds your right hand, and Who says to you, Do not be afraid.

I will help you."  Isaiah 41:13

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Pastor Brenda Williams, USA

Pastor Mindy Gomez, Honduras


Hands of Love

(in Phase 4 of construction)

"We love because He first loved us."  1 John 4:19

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“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans
and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” — James 1:27

PHASE 4: We are starting the inside finishing process of The Sun Valley House in the spring of 2025. This phase will include windows, floors, drywall, electrical, doors, safety railings and gates, sinks & toilets.

PHASE 5: We are currently fundraising for Phase 5, which will include: paint, light fixtures, ceiling fans, ac units, appliances, cribs, bedding, clothing, diapers, baby food & supplies. Email or call (602) 762-2245 for more information.


#1 - Private road grading, gravel and large security gate

#2 - Outer perimeter fencing for 5 acres

#3 - Bat Tree House (this will draw bats out of our office building attic into their own home. It is a benefit to have them on our property because they eat mosquitos that carry diseases)

#4 - Office Building Repairs: termite treatment, new windows, bathroom repair, ac unit, paint, flooring

Our Hands of Love Orphanage will provide many privately run homes that will provide nurturing care for orphaned children. These orphans are abandoned as babies in nearby hospitals or currently living on the dangerous drug infested streets of Honduras. We will be working together with the protective system of the Honduran government who will find these children and place them in our care. Together, with supporters like you, we will be able to provide a safe, loving home. A place for the children to experience the true meaning of love and family. A place to learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, get an education, learn a trade, and by the time they age out they will become an asset to society. These children will have every opportunity to have hope and a future, breaking the cycle of poverty.

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Call (602) 762-2245 for more information.

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Hands of Love International, the dba of Rainbow's End Ministries, Inc.), is an established Arizona nonprofit organization approved by the Internal Revenue Service for tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

​​Call us:

(602) 762-2245

Write us: 

PO Box 181, Maricopa, AZ 85139

Hands of Love International / Rainbow's End Ministries

© 2024 all rights reserved

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